More about me and sustainability

Picture of me wearing suit with a field of tall grass behind me

So, why am I interested in this issue you may ask?

Sustainability, Energy Efficiency and Resilient Infrastructure in the built environment are broad topics and encompass issues that are interdimensional,intersectional and complex which require innovative and holistic approaches to solutions. I'm personally drawn to the possibilities of these efforts to bring about lasting and transformational change on many fronts of our society and believe it to be an endeavour worth undertaking.

Architecture & Design

Art- function, form & ✨ ~aesthetics~ ✨

 a low carbon emission building

Boston University's Computing and Data Science Center Building to be completed by in 2023

building sketches

Using imagination and an eye for design to re envision the built environment is a great way to exercise your creativity and problem solve.

Mechanics & Investment Capital

The industry changes in the construction and building maintenance sectors will be instrumental in bringing about large scale change.

a building and construction crane with sunset background a construction blueprint with a building model

Innovative engineering is needed to build more sustainably and create more climate resilient buildings with a lower carbon footprint.

The Built Environment is an extension of our personhood

Where we live and spend the majority of our lives has a profound impact on our health and well being. The tragic fire that engulfed fire that engulfed an affordable housing building in New York this winter goes to show the extent to which Environmental Justice is inextricably linked to racial and socioeconomic justice. Read more about this event here . In the aftermath of the tragedy, the lack of adequate building maintenance and lack of insulation and accessible and safe heating systems sources was found to be the major culprit, local and state governments responded with increased funding for retrofitting buildings of similar profiles to prevent events like these that disproportionally affect POC and low income communities from reoccruing.

 NYC building fire

Bringing about infrastructure investments and upgrades in the building and energy sectors will be instrumental for racial and socioeconomic justice for historically marginalized communities.

 a diagram of building and inhabitant comfort optimization

A Moral Imperative, Climate Change is a Socio-Political Issue

We need Action on a Global Scale

 president Biden speaking at the COP 26 conference 2021

President Biden speaking at the COP 26 UN Climate Conference, announcing the US pledges to reduce emissions by 2050

Climate Change and Environmental Degradation are ⚠ ~existential~ ⚠ matters

cover of apocalyptical film Interstellar

We've seen the downfall of our society as we know it in many hollywood renditions of a post-apocalyptic -headed for extinction- world, but if the past 2 years make us reflect on anything, it really should give us a moment of pause to reflect on the viability of our species' long term survival. Climate Change is an urgent matter that requires bold action now to prevent catastrophic long term damage to the balance of the natural world and earths self regulation systems. It's a matter of survival or extinction, resources are not infinite and pushing the boundaries of what we can inflict on the earth is not the way to a viable future.

image of wildfires and floods a crowd of people wearing masks

Learn more about how the COVID-19 pandemic was predicted by scientists and how anthropogenic factors such as deforestation will likely contribute to more pandemic outbreaks in the future.

 an info graphic showing the link between pandemics and environmental factors

picture of me standing on a hill overlooking Boston